Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Install a green roof

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1 Day of squares of 6000 metres from $ 13 to $ 45 per square foot, InstalledDifficulty: HardThis system must be installed, a Pro engineered solid roof protects your home of the elements, of course, but one on Jack of Sarah and Scott Harris eating in the kitchen is well installĂ©et more. Planted with hundreds of low-growing succulent, the small flat roof extension allows colonial Renaissance of 1925 slowly downwards and filter rainwater runoff. Green roofs residential as natural waterways of road oily residue you protect by reducing the chances of municipal drain excess storm are systems. He is also the bottom warmer in winter and summer room colder than 6 to 8 degrees whose operation costs. The square planting of 140 helps to also absorb air pollutants and - to $ 13 to $ 45 per square foot installed - on twice as long as a conventional roof should take. For all these reasons, who believed pair Teaneck, New Jersey, on the renovation of the houses of conscious eco of the shooting of the soil. But they also have its aesthetic appeal. "The roof is so lively and colorful, said Sarah." It has certainly improved our view. »

Live roof is a modular system, which they have chosen the typical residential models consisting of bowls filled plastic of average genius above ground and sophisticated plants Sedum, floods and droughts can manage. 40 Books, bowls are heavy and installed by a certified contractor be; R-S landscaping has work here. You will find below how was this roof of nudes, bursting - as the latest DIY options.

Poster: Sedum Hardy species are the most popular are for green roofs because they flourish in soilless substrate and drought. You need only an annual trim and occasional fertilizer to look their best. Houses and apartments owners can choose from a range of suitable plants. Sedum Spurium "tricolor" is one of the most ornamental. This ProjectSign to our newsletter free InfoArticle useful NextPrint: plants for paths and patio EdgesArticle: green covered only EasierGallery: RoofsCalculators Green, you need more information? A question on the green, the former home of advertising >, GoSubscribeTelevisionNewsletterRSS FeedAdd ThisOldHouse on my: My Yahoo! Google GadgetMy MSNAdd advertising vignette story Server 6.0 Mar 24 18: 34: 29 2011 you can find more information about green Galleries section videos galleries all green view step by step view all galleries

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